Building Management System Maintenance: What Is It?

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Building Management Systems (BMS), in their essence, serve as an intelligent network of interconnected devices and wiring that collectively govern the operational efficiency of a building. The term "BMS Maintenance," however, is often shrouded in misconceptions. Many people picture a technician with a toolkit, busily conducting mechanical maintenance on the system. In reality, the concept of BMS maintenance is more nuanced and technology-driven.

The first thing to understand is that a BMS, being a compilation of electronic components and software, isn't subject to the same physical wear and tear that a mechanical system might face. In other words, there's no real maintenance you can do on a functioning sensor, and you won't be needing a wrench to tighten a loose bit of software. Instead, BMS maintenance revolves around the sustained monitoring of system performance, swift identification of failures, and the efficient rectification of such issues.

At T.M. Bier & Associates, as a Schneider Electric EcoXpert partner, we embrace this more accurate understanding of BMS maintenance. We harness the power of Schneider's EcoStruxure™ Building Advisor to enhance the efficiency of the BMS in the buildings we manage.

Building Advisor is an innovative solution designed to monitor building operations, detect faults, and take proactive measures to address building inefficiencies. By relying on real-time data, this cloud-based analytics platform provides actionable insights, empowering building managers to make informed decisions.

The paradigm shift that EcoStruxure™ Building Advisor brings to the table is the move from a reactive to a proactive maintenance model. Instead of having a technician standing by, waiting for something to break before springing into action, this advanced solution helps in preemptively identifying areas of concern, such as:

  • Flatline sensors: These are sensors that have not changed their readings in an unusually long time. Stagnant sensor data can indicate a malfunctioning sensor or a system operating outside its optimal range.

  • Energy waste: A common pitfall in building management is the simultaneous operation of heating and cooling systems. This situation, known as "simultaneous heating and cooling", leads to a significant waste of energy and drives up utility costs.

  • Leaking valves: If the supply temperature in a building is off, it could indicate that a valve is not functioning correctly. This situation might lead to temperature discomfort, decreased efficiency, and potential damage to other system components if not addressed promptly.

  • Low load conditions: A low load condition can serve as a red flag that something within the system is not operating correctly. Unusual drops in demand could suggest issues ranging from system faults to changing building usage patterns.

  • Manual overrides and temporary fixes: While these may offer short-term solutions, they can ultimately disrupt the correct functioning of the entire system, leading to a false sense of "maintenance" and potentially compounding existing issues.

  • Inefficiencies in time and money: Reactive maintenance models can lead to significant time wastage and increased costs, as resources are dedicated to simply waiting for faults to occur, rather than proactively optimizing system performance.

In conclusion, transitioning to a cloud-based BMS analytics platform like EcoStruxure™ Building Advisor is a strategic investment that can deliver substantial returns. This shift allows your maintenance technician to devote their time to addressing identified issues effectively rather than passively observing and waiting for system failures.

The move to a proactive BMS maintenance model is a game-changer, promising improved building efficiency, reduced operational costs, and an enhanced occupant experience. Welcome to the future of BMS maintenance, where data-driven insights and proactive management pave the way for smarter buildings and sustainable operations.

Looking for BMS maintenance services in NYC? Contact us today to get started!


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